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In the Dvina Charter of 1471, Una, named Unskoe Usolye, is listed among the Moscow Grand Duke's possessions. The name Usolye testifies to the fact that even then in Una they were engaged in salt production.

It was very difficult to produce salt, and due to the laboriousness of the process, Pomor salt was highly valued throughout Russia.
Technology of SALT PRODUCTION in Pomorie goes back to the 15th century
(Usolye means «"Settlement NEAR THE SALT»)


The basis of our business is an old well of the late 19th - early 20th century, completely restored with mineral spring water-brine.

Water rises to the surface by pumps and goes through three stages of cleaning from mechanical impurities. Salt production is an old Russian northern tradition.
Further, the brine is fed to the «heart» of the salt production in a large steel tank, called by salt makers - tsren (chren), where, under the influence of stove fire and high temperatures, the brine begins to evaporate.
As evaporation proceeds, new portions of brine are topped up until the required concentration is reached. Now the skill of a salt maker is needed to regulate the desired temperature of the oven, where the salt concentrate «languishes» until it is completely converted into salt.

One such «cooking» lasts about 48 hours.

When our «magic salt» is ready, she is first put into baskets to drain excess water.
And then it is transferred to a drying room and laid out on special beds until completely dried in natural conditions.

After that, the salt is collected for storage in large birch bark boxes.
Website development was carried out with the financial support of the Export Support Center of the Arkhangelsk Region
Head of a peasant (farm) economy Alexander V. Popov
TIN 292600217315
PSRNSP 310290108800058
Fedot Shubin street, 20−6, Arkhangelsk, 163 001, Russia
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